The federal government is becoming increasingly out of touch when it comes to the child care needs of working families, Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd says.
Once again we see Kevin Rudd taking the reins of another society conscience issue, by pointing the finger of scorn directly at Howard. To varying degrees, he is quite correct that Howard and his minions have abandoned the Australian working family by failing to provide adequate childcare placements. This is despite government statistics which enumerate the positions available. As the Bannerman noted a day or two ago in reading the media, a childcare place on Tuesday is of no benefit to parents requiring a place on a Wednesday. There is a move on the part of young parents to attempt to make do on either one wage – which must be extraordinarily difficult – or one fulltime and one part-time/casual income. In the majority, it’s Mum who works part-time and it’s Mum who needs to find the childcare spot(s) for her loinfruit.
Bronwyn Beehive’s attack on Der Furher from the backbenches won’t sit well, and goes down as yet another whack in the back of the Coalition scone. On’yer, Kevvie!
On a personal note, Bannerman wishes to point out to all and sundry, including you, dear reader, that this post racks up a century, and he continues to bat on, tirelessly.