Nov 102009

Interesting piece of analysis in today’s Oz by ‘Jack the Insider’.

It gels nicely with the ludicrously laughable positions put forth by Messrs Minchin, Bernardi and Joyce on ABC’s Four Corners last night. I turned the television off after 45 minutes of watching Cory Bernardi, Christopher Pyne and Nick Minchin embarrass themselves and headed off to bed, but what I saw & heard was easily the most divisive display of internal back-stabbing from within a political party I’ve see since John Hewson’s days as Liberal Party leader. Cory Bernardi is a denier because he feels that’s the thing to do politically and Minchin thinks Climate Change is some deeply left-wing scheme to oust his kind from the ideological landscape at any cost. None of them paid or pay any heed to the science, in fact they all gave every indication that the science itself is something cooked up by left-wing intellectuals.
This is the conservative coalition yet again tearing itself asunder because of destabilisation between the conservative and liberal elements within the parties. Howard held them all together because Howard was (a) conservative, and (b) a power leader. They all ran scared of Little Johnny, even Nick Minchin. Malcolm Turnbull, for all of his political courage in attempting to stare down these fools, is still the Christmas goose with its neck on the block. There’s a decided cadre within the coalition which wants him gone, and that was clearly evident last night. Trouble is, none of the dissenters seem prepared to enter the ring and put themselves up over Turnbull’s dismembered corpse. In the meantime, the Rudd government carries forward with their brand of Emissions Trading Scheme which in the final washup will look so much like the Howardian brand as to make bugger all difference from the political sense. The whole thing is quite ridiculous.

  2 Responses to “Exit….Stage Right”

  1. The scene showing that NONE of the tories would attend an explanatory science seminar said it all. I wonder what they’ll call the next tory party when these inbred fools are trounced in 2010?

  2. The scene showing that NONE of the tories would attend an explanatory science seminar said it all. I wonder what they’ll call the next tory party when these inbred fools are trounced in 2010?

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