Time will tell in the case of the Queensland election, but at 9:00pm on election night, it looks highly likely that Queensland is headed to either a slim Labor governmental comeback, or as I fervently hope, a hung Parliament.
I’ve deliberately stayed out of political commentary for some time now. I see little point in commentating on political differences between the two major parties in Australia because essentially there are none.
I rarely read newspapers these days and even rarer are the occasions when I’ll waste the time necessary to read op-eds by conservative apologists.
Where has the Australian Labor Party of my youth vanished to? Where is the Party and the people of the 1970’s and `80’s which adhered to time-honoured and honourable Labor dictums like fairness, equality, justice and above all else, that innate sense of egalitarianism? How can a Labor Prime Minister nominate and effectively pre-select as a Senate candidate, a person who isn’t even a member of her Party? And why should this even arise as a circumstance? Since when does the ALP reside in one person? Where is the Labor Caucus? I don’t care if said nominee is black, white or brindle; […]
Today’s editorial appearing in The Melbourne Age. It speaks not volumes, but libraries of volumes. There is a better way forward. Australia has no need of dog-whistling, bible-thumping, narrow-minded political opportunists or poll-driven, electorally fearful and inconsistent leadership as representatives in our Parliament. We need people of character, moral standing and a willingness to stand by their genuine Australian ethos. Australia doesn’t need A change…..Australia simply needs TO change.
I wrote yesterday that I was disengaging from observation and commentary of the political process in Australia, until the next election, due in November 2013.
Y’know, I haven’t bothered posting anything here of a political nature for some time now, primarily because I’m so bloody tired of the overall behaviour of the body politick in Australia.
A Red Letter Day for Radio National Breakfast!
I agree with Michelle Grattan’s op-ed, but for entirely different reasons.
I wrote earlier this month about the Labor Party I’d like to see.