Feb 022015
Political Death Knell

Between 1940 and the 1970’s in the south of the US of A, the phrase dead man walking was used by correctional officers to tell those in the hallways of the prisons to move to the side and allow the condemned person to pass unhindered. This phrase was looked upon as cruel and unusual and therefore “outlawed” by civil rights activists. 

Nov 032014

Yet again we see the IPCC telling us what we already know to be fact. We – the human species – need to stop digging up, drilling for and otherwise liberating fossil fuels as the major driver of our energy production. As Ban Ki Moon said, the science is in, and it is irrefutable Meanwhile, the nihilists, corporate sycophants, pseudo-religious fruitcakes and plain ignorant refuse to accept that unlocking millions of years of stored carbon in less than a millennium is having an irreversible, detrimental impact on the planets’ delicate biosphere. Sure, the planet will recover eventually, once the species liberating […]

Jul 282014

Salacious title for a contentious post, I know, but as someone who is currently sucking off the public teat through no fault of my own, I feel it both timely and pertinent that I make comment on the current and proposed Job Services Provider platform and the proposed post 1 July 2015 New Employment Services model announced earlier today by this individual.