Australia is in economic recession. A 0.3% contraction in economic activity measured in GDP terms.
I don’t accept Katharine Murphy’s premise of not reporting on this sorry business, simply because she couldn’t verify the yarn. She shoots herself in the journalistic foot in at least two points in her “don’t-shoot-me-I’m-a-journalist” piece. “I’ve known Joyce, and his former wife Natalie, for ages. We all grew up in the same part of the world.” yeh….uh huh….and??? “The feedback I got in the time I had available to make inquiries was people weren’t speaking on the record.” In the time she had available??!! If that’s not a cop out, I’m not here and I’m not writing this. Let’s […]
This issue has bugged me for days. I’m not referring to the recent deaths from the horrendous ‘Coward Punch’ behaviour by certain miscreants within our society – as reprehensible as such behaviour is – I’m referring to the following diatribe from Federal Member for Bowman, Andrew Laming, which recently appeared on Facebook. Laming’s preferred method of controlled public address. I’ve reformatted for readability, but left in the spelling and grammatical errors. Hi Redlands. Need your thoughts on my coward-punch policies…. There’s no place for political squabbling after another deadly coward punch, but its vital something good comes from tragedy. It […]
Between 1940 and the 1970’s in the south of the US of A, the phrase dead man walking was used by correctional officers to tell those in the hallways of the prisons to move to the side and allow the condemned person to pass unhindered. This phrase was looked upon as cruel and unusual and therefore “outlawed” by civil rights activists.
How is it possible for a nation’s economic structure and four year outlook to fall off a cliff in six months?
Whiney-Pyney said the retirement age wouldn’t be under the fascist’s nihilist microscope until a second term of this beknighted government.
Recently John Winston Howard spoke to the Lowy Institute, defending his government’s decision to take Australia to war in Iraq in 2003. This against massive national and international protests against the US-led invasion of the time, which has since proven to have been based on – at the minimum – poor intelligence. At worst, a lie perpetrated for the purposes of regime change in direct contravention of UN Charter Chapter VII. In other words, an international crime. Today we see yet another retired public servant of that era coming out with her own definitive claims that Howard lied to the […]
This morning on Radio National Breakfast I heard yet another example of the moribund state of Federalism, co-operative or otherwise, within our democracy.
I am seeing a common thread appearing in social media today, following the release of Justice Rares findings into what has been tackily called, Ashbygate.