Dec 102012

By now, unless you’ve been hiding out on the dark side of the Moon dear reader, you’ll have heard or read about the suspected suicide of one Jacintha Saldanha, a nurse at King Edward VII hospital in London. In case you HAVE indeed been on the other side of the Moon, here’s a link so you can be up-to-date.

Oct 122012

I came across this just now, and had to laugh to myself. It details graphically the level of political discourse in this country. There is none. Fair call for Cathy Stoner to have her say. As her husband stated, she is a free individual and entitled to her opinion. However the deletion of her Twitter account obviously says otherwise. It’s also indicative of the type of engagement a great many social media users have with politicians now. Especially those pollies, like Oakeshott, who use the medium. I applaud them all, whatever their political allegiances. Social media is a means of […]

Apr 212012
Proof The Trolls Don't Think

Hello again, reader. I’ll have to give you a name, a-la Late Night Live, won’t I? Just a brief follow on from my last post, and the earlier posts concerning my stalker, David William Nicholson Thiessen, contained therein. Y’know, it’s said about internet trolls…. A person whose sole purpose in life is to seek out people to argue with on the internet over extremely trivial issues. Such arguments can happen on blogs, Facebook, Myspace and a host of others. The best thing you can do to fight an internet troll is to not answer..or report them. Now, I’m all in favour […]