Jul 292007
IN Washington, where professional women’s style statements are pointedly conservative, Hillary Clinton’s cleavage has suddenly burst into one of the hottest topics of the Democratic presidential race.
Once more we are treated to the perversity and vagary of the American political scene.
Clearly, Hillary Clinton’s titties are points of interest for a whole lotta American political watchers. I dare say, that even at 59 years of age, she still cuts a reasonably sexy figure. Grandma’s still like their foibles fondled too, y’know.
Obviously, America has suddenly become aware of the fact which the rest of the world has been well aware of for at least two years now. A vagina might just take over the hand-basket on its way to hell, rather than the all too common penis. Not just a vagina, but a respectable pair of tits as well. Not big one’s mind you, but at least a pair which has been around the block, so to speak.
What’s plain from this splatter mark on the wall of global politics is that America, up to now, hasn’t paid a whole lot of attention to the fact that a woman might just make it to the big chair. It’s also a damning indictment on the political machine in that country that women, as a rule, aren’t expected to be interested in shattering the glass ceiling, let along be approaching it with a large hammer in hand.
Personally, I don’t think Hillary has a chance in the final hunt. She’s female, she’s Bill’s missus and she originally voted in favour of the Iraq War. Any one of those three qualifiers should rule her out. Still, I could be wrong. Maybe she has a big pair of testicles to go with that cleavage. Maybe she’s willing to leave a stain of her own on the Republican blue dress. Time will tell, but seriously America…..if you’re just now becoming aware that a woman might be President, you’re in worse shape than even I believed.